Whether groceries, health insurance, or anything else, everybody wants to get the best value for their money. And health care is no different—that’s why it’s a good idea to shop around for a plan. Cost is an important factor in any purchase, especially when it comes to health care, but
Get help with your Medicare costs
If you’re among the many Americans facing financial challenges with their health care costs, there may be ways you can save money on your health care costs if you have Medicare. If you have limited income and resources, you may qualify for Medicaid—a joint federal and state program that helps
Medicare Plans To Replace Social Security Numbers On Cards
Old Medicare cards will be going in the shredder. Officials said Tuesday the government is on track to meet a 2019 deadline for replacing Social Security numbers on Medicare cards with randomly generated digits and letters to protect seniors against identity theft. Planning for the massive transition has been underway
New Scam Surfaces Amid Medicare’s Announcement Of New Cards
June 28, 2017 Many Medicare recipients have received correspondence stating that they will get a new card. However, this change is not taking place until April in 2018. Scammers are already finding ways to profit from the confusion, which means that Medicare members must be on the alert for new
Federal Programs for People with Disabilities
Eligible people with disabilities may qualify for federal and state programs that pay benefits, pay health care costs or provide food. If you are not already signed up for one of these programs, visit the sites below to find out if you might be eligible or to apply for benefits.
2-1-1 Texas, a program of the Texas Health and Human Services Commission, is committed to helping Texas citizens connect with the services they need. Whether by phone or internet, our goal is to present accurate, well-organized and easy-to-find information from state and local health and human services programs. We accomplish
Do You Need Life Insurance When You Retire?
Aenean sit amet libero efficitur, ultricies nisi a, dapibus augue. Integer eget condimentum quam. Sed molestie leo ut sollicitudin euismod. Sed hendrerit, mauris malesuada suscipit condimentum, lectus turpis faucibus arcu, id sodales turpis nunc sed justo. Nulla quis dignissim lectus. Cras nibh risus, lobortis blandit lectus at, vehicula ultrices lectus.
4 Ways to Get Financially Fit in Your 40s
Vivamus aliquet pharetra sem a accumsan. Quisque scelerisque congue arcu at mattis. Maecenas rhoncus metus mauris, eu aliquet nisl sagittis et. Cras dignissim pulvinar rhoncus. In fermentum nulla porta, ornare lacus ut, hendrerit felis. Quisque risus nunc, ultricies sed egestas et, sollicitudin non turpis. Curabitur fermentum quam venenatis, iaculis lacus
How Much Life Insurance Do You Really Need?
Nulla commodo tristique ornare. In euismod neque urna. Vestibulum maximus efficitur dolor, id feugiat velit dignissim eget. Donec auctor tempus porta. Donec iaculis ornare molestie. Morbi mollis, lacus nec tristique tincidunt, quam massa volutpat nisi, ac sollicitudin nisi nibh in neque. Ut suscipit nisi et orci pulvinar finibus. Quisque mattis

5 Steps to Make Sure Your Family Is Protected Financially
Quisque eros leo, pellentesque id leo non, scelerisque hendrerit mauris. Integer dapibus purus in aliquet vehicula. In laoreet justo ac sapien malesuada laoreet. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Aenean sit amet arcu leo. Donec erat nulla, condimentum eget velit id, condimentum feugiat sem.