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How to enroll in Medicare if you missed your Initial Enrollment Period

How to enroll in Medicare if you missed your Initial Enrollment Period

If you missed your Initial Enrollment Period (IEP) and need to enroll in Medicare, you likely will have to enroll during either a Special Enrollment Period (SEP) or the General Enrollment Period (GEP).

Special Enrollment Period

  • If you are eligible for the Part B SEP, you can enroll in Medicare without penalty at any time while you have job-based insurance and for eight months after you lose your job-based insurance or you (or your spouse) stop working, whichever comes first.
  • If you are under 65, are Medicare-eligible due to disability, and have job-based insurance through a family member’s current work, you may also be entitled to the SEP if there are at least 100 employees at your family member’s place of work.
  • Know the differences in coverage through job-based insurance if you are Medicare-eligible due to age versus disability.

General Enrollment Period

  • The GEP takes place January 1 through March 31 of each year. During this period you can enroll in Medicare Part B.
  • Enrolling during the GEP means your coverage will start on July 1. Until that time, you will not be covered by Medicare.
  • Enrolling in Medicare during the GEP means you will have to pay a Part B premium penalty.